A Liberation Parade

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In this time of planetary rebalancing we find ourselves again at another turn of The Great Wheel. Samhain, (Halloween) is the celebration of the majestic darkness. It closes the Celtic Year. Through this portal the year is reborn on the first new moon after. This year that is the new moon in Scorpio on November 14th. We enter the gateway with a powerful Blue Moon in Taurus, conjunct Lilith the dark goddess, and Uranus. This full moon’s astrological signature is profoundly auspicious and heralds a year of mystical rebirth. A year in which patriarchal distortions are finally exposed and the dark feminine weaves her magic through the collective consciousness. If you should be so bold and courageous to dive head first into the deep pool of your greatest fears, realizing there are no failures or mistakes, you will find that the theme of the coming year is “the great unmasking”, where you are unshackled and empowered to live as your truest essence self. Realizing that everything offered by life, it’s cacophony of experiences, is for your evolution. When you really get that, life gets colorful. I predict this is going to be the work of a great many brave souls who found the masks too hot, itchy, heavy, and uncomfortable to wear any longer. The idea of putting on a facade will become intolerable.  If you don’t take the plunge, the weight of your masks, the push to conform, will take its toll on your health and well being from all directions.

The full moon in Taurus conjunct Uranus exists on the Taurus/ Scorpio Polarity. Taurus is like the deep roots of a tree, whereas Scorpio, in its highest octave, is represented by the eagle, soaring above the earth plane. To continue on your evolutionary path, look to the places you are “holding on” or your “attachments”. Are you one of the people who is waiting to get back to “normal”? Just existing through all this change and flux, hoping to get through to the other side intact?  It could be that the world never looks normal again. Scorpio asks us to dive into our inner darkness. To befriend our shadows, to make an ally of death and destruction. All of 2020 has ushered the dissolution of the old world order, so you may be feeling a little wary of more dark nights of the soul but the darkness is romantic. Case in point, by Poe

“Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary,

Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore—

While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping,

As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door.

“’Tis some visitor,” I muttered, “tapping at my chamber door—

            Only this and nothing more.”

While the darkness and the process of this disintegration may be bound together with painful experiences, it often points to all you’ve disowned and denied, to self betrayals, and to things left unintegrated and putrefying. In the ashes of this alchemical process is a reclamation of our true selves, cleansed, reconnected to our voice, in alignment. The good news is the current astrology is supporting this purifying death ritual in a BIG way. Your biggest pains hold the keys to unlock  your greatest gifts. 

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Uranus wants to work for the good of the collective and in a lot of ways he does that by instigating personal individuation and tearing off the masks or egoic nature of collective structures. He reminds us that our world works best when we are active participants. He will expose what is out of alignment in a dramatic, swift, fashion. He is a humanitarian, and futuristic visionary. In the myth of Uranus his son, Saturn, castrates him in a great battle, that culminates in his death, which makes him associated with a feeling of being “cut off”. Depending on how comfortable you are with rapid change, Uranus transits can feel very volatile. However, many astrologers believe Uranus is misnamed, and that Prometheus’ myth fits his nature better. Prometheus is an “awakener”. He stole fire from the Gods, and gave it to the people, so they wouldn’t have to be dependent on them. He also taught the people how to read and write, helping them become like the Gods, and is associated with ascension of the common man, he has a trickster quality, and emits electricity and light. Sudden illumination and flashes of insight are common under these transits. Conjunct the Moon, Uranus helps us see our part in The Bigger Cosmic story. Together, Uranus and the moon transmit the memory of a long felt dream, enticing us to reawaken to it. They are asking you to embrace an expanded way of viewing reality and our larger pattern of unfoldment. Uranus takes a meta view, removing all illusions of separation. He wants to realize that you’ve already completed your journey into oneness. 

Opposite the Sun, Uranus represents the process of individuation. Of which, Carl Jung said “Individuation does not shut one out from the world, but gathers the world to itself’ and, “Individuation is to divest the self of false wrappings”. All of this fits what we are seeing around the world. On the one hand, we see more and more people involved in the political process, corruption is being exposed, and the Truth with a capital T, has higher and higher value. People are coming together to work for a common purpose, “gathering the world to ourselves” yet we are in many ways, more cut off from each other than any other time in history. Being at home, spending time in isolation forces us to look at what is underneath the masks we wear. Who are we when we aren’t identifying with our ego? When we aren’t attached to the many roles we play? If you haven’t been in inquiry around these questions, the current astrology is supporting you now to deepen with them. This will require us to be masters of synthesis. We need to move beyond the constant analysis we’ve been bogged down with, and start to weave together the different storylines, and create a new thing. 

The shadow side of Uranus is extreme rebellion, erratic behavior, disrespect for authority, restlessness, excessive self will, & scattered creative focus. To resource yourself during a Uranus Transit keep these shadow qualities on your radar, if you find them coming up, turn to your grounding practices. A meal of comfort food, a quiet cup of tea, getting your feet directly on the earth, gentle yoga, or even a relaxing bath can help you find balance.

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Of note, this Full moon is conjunct Lilith, the dark primordial goddess, who links us to the great cosmic womb, and time out of time. She is our fierce rage at injustice, our jealousy, primal instincts, and erotic ecstasy. She governs the cycles of creation, destruction, and regeneration. She is a member of the Goddess Pantheon that harkens back to another time, before the patriarchy, when women, as keepers of the flame, governed according to the laws of nature, not by dominion over it. In Taurus she helps us get unstuck, to see that our clinging on to old structures is often the thing holding us back from taking our next steps. She’s asking you to spend more time “in the moment” being present with your life and what is unfolding, rather than dominating and controlling it, or finding distraction from it.  What things are constricting your happiness. Introspection on healthy rage vs outmoded negativity is helpful under this transit.

November 3rd, the day of the US Elections, Mercury finally stations direct after a three week sojourn retrograding through Scorpio and Libra. The quest for each of us during the retrograde period is to review how our thoughts and thinking patterns have developed over the previous four months, and begin turning our attention to the next cycle so we can evolve to a higher level of awakening. What are you seeding over the next four months? This is the time to set your intentions, and finish reviewing how your thought forms over the previous 4 months helped or hindered your progress.

On November 14th, Mars stations direct, Jupiter finally separates from Pluto, and there is a New Moon in Scorpio. Jupiter has been debilitated all year in Capricorn which makes for a strong moment of catharsis, like a hard fought battle is starting to resolve itself as Jupiter begins hereafter to pick up dignity on it’s way into Aquarius and conjoins with Saturn in December. (written about here) Shedding a weight or releasing a burden and finally being able to turn a page. The end of the month sees Venus in Libra squares Pluto Jupiter and Saturn demanding love and justice as the Karmic leveling. New territory is on the horizon.

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Damascena Tanis

Damascena is an Archetypal Astrologer, Ayurvedic Wellness Practitioner, and The Facilitator of the Transformative Journey through the Mandala of Venus’ Wisdom, called “Sky Dancer”.

She is a passionate devotee of the ever unfolding mystery. As an expert observer, a trait she developed as an only child, she regards herself as both a student of life, and decoder of the cosmos.

Skilled at recognizing invisible patterns, and picking up on subtle shifts in the collective, she gets a thrill from uncovering and revealing the hidden threads that are woven together to create our paradigm.

Her passion for this existential detective work aligns well with her unique approach to one on one client work, as she helps others to discover the building blocks of their archetypal blueprint, and mythic overtones. She does not believe that astrology is static, and therefore works with clients to develop strategies and practices that allow them to transcend challenging aspects of their natal chart.

She lives on the Shores of Lake Erie with her husband, four kids, and Cat, Oscar (the grouch).

These days, when she isn’t interpreting a natal chart, or translating the stars for her astrology blog, you can find her engaging in one of her favorite pandemic pastimes, unraveling her inner “good girl”, cultivating the ability to thrive in the deep, dark, unknown, or playing her favorite game of identifying fun paradoxes called “two things are true at once”.


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