Mission Purpose and Intention

Art: Janie McWilliams

*This subject is near and dear to my heart, as we have addiction in my lineage. I have watched too many people fall into this trap, and pay with, first their souls, and some their lives.


Gnosis of the Medicine we are here To Serve

I find it redundant how often Astrologers refer to energy as “intense”. Astrology always exists across some spectrum of intensity.

However, right now, it would be accurate to say we are in the midst of intense Astrology AND an intense series of world events, that happen to be mirroring the intensity of the Astrology.

We’ve just moved through the Mid Aries/Libra Axis set of Nodal Eclipses. The April 8th Eclipse’s totality streaming right across America. Meanwhile, Mercury is in Retrograde, at the same time, and in the same sign as the eclipses. AND Venus is hovering just above the Underworld. When she finally crosses the threshold of the Absu, she will be conjunct her dark sister Eris/Erishkagel.

To say things feel intense might be the under statement of the century.

All of this leads me to want to discuss a piece of natural law. With this upwelling of stimulation, it feels important to touch on it…

However, because we exist along a spectrum of intensity, this message can always apply. We don’t need inner or outer intensity to hold this law as central to our lives.


…..If the energetic structure, (us, home, land, ceremonial space, etc) is not clear on its purpose, mission, or intention, it opens itself up for infiltration. 

Let me explain…

It is an inversion upon an inversion that we’ve ended up in a place that says “our purpose isn’t important”.  Our collective is full of advice that tells us that we can wait on answering that age old question… “what is my purpose here?”.

While certainly paddling around the universe in search of some ever elusive identity to put on is counter productive.  That’s not what I mean when I talk about purpose, mission, and intention.

First, it’s important to (g)know that every single ensouled being has come here with a purpose. 

Nobody incarnates for a vacation.

It isn’t important that we define our purpose in the context of collective or societal norms. I admit that idea has already been highly codified and now it's difficult to discern between “finding our purpose”, the mainstream’s search for meaning. And living in the frequency of our purpose as defined by natural law.


Infiltration can be many things. Usually it refers to belief structures. Distortions. etc. This is the way I’m primarily using it here.

Let me reiterate again… If the energetic structure, (body, home, land, ceremonial space, etc) is not clear on its purpose, mission, or intention, it opens itself up for infiltration. 

Deeper gnosis tells us, the purposeful veiling of this information has led to a society full of people who are addicted. Not just to substances but to social media, binge watching tv, scrolling through tiktok, investing in ideological movements, creators making meaningless YouTube content to feel validated and worthy, or use of other markers of false of approval to gain a sense of “false purpose” that gets confused with belonging, etc.

In other words, we are being led towards apathy.  Towards hungry ghost syndrome. Unfulfilled materialist consumers.

Once leadership/ “the paradigm” have co-opted our most important currency, our attention, and installed apathy in us, because the problems are too convoluted, and big to solve, and we’ve lost sight of why we incarnated in the first place, they can then infiltrate us, and carry out their own agenda. Rerouting our consciousness towards their purpose, mission, or intention.  A kind of manufacturing of consent while we are distracted by meaningless endeavors.

*Let me state here, as we begin to probe the matrix, the details of the agenda aren’t important. It’s the natural law that we need to keep our eyes on. I see this phenomena being carried out on all sides of the political spectrum to one degree or another. In fact, getting overly involved in figuring out the agenda, syphoning our attention towards movements that have already been hi-jacked from a disembodied place is one method that can be used to infiltrate us. As a spiritual practitioner, it is beneficial to unhook from the stories we are invested in “out there”, (mainstream cultural beliefs) and pull our all of our energy back to ourselves. We often find when we venture back “out there” we see things differently because we have this practice of cyclically unhooking.

How have we gotten here?

Gone are the days that sons followed their father’s into business, and women had a limited number of archetypal roles they could embody.

Like everything else, the outcome of expanded options is paradoxical. On one hand it has led to more freedom and opportunity. On another hand, it left us spinning with far too many choices. 

There was once a study done to quantify this. It involved ice cream flavors. The researchers asked one cohort of participants to choose from one of three choices. And the other cohort to choose from thirty one flavors. The first cohort, who had fewer choices, was found to be significantly more satisfied after having their ice cream than the cohort who had thirty one. The second cohort fell into the trap of thinking that they perhaps missed out on something better. 

My point is, removing the importance of purpose, mission, and intention from our children’s upbringing, and replacing it with, “you can be and do anything you WANT out in the big, wide, world”, is by design. 

It’s left our children in overwhelm and overstimulation around purpose, mission and intention. It’s led them to look outside themselves, to purposely curated modern archetypes “out there” to find it. Which in turn, always leads the system to compression & collapse, which then, at least momentarily, takes them out of the game. 

We need to work with our children around these themes when they are young. Make sure they understand that they are their own authority. Help them root into their body, and learn to the art of discernment. This will help them recognize what is them, and not them. Or to take borrow a phrase from Human Design, what is ‘self- or -not self’.

What is Purpose?

Clue: Self is always found in activities that generate vitality and foster a sense of authenticity. Whether you are child developing along this thread, or an adult who is beginning to ask these questions of ourselves. Our purpose is always about what is showing up in the moment. What is emerging, and the quality with which we meet the moment. Our purpose is NEVER elusive. It’s always found right in front of us. What is the quality with which I engage with the present?

“What if I’m someone who is royally screwed up my life?”. Your purpose is still right in front of you. If you are someone who drinks too much. Your immediate “purpose” is sobriety, and tending to the root of an addiction. Purpose, is found in our incarnation. Our incarnation plays out along various threads. In other words it evolves over time. I don’t know anyone who has royally messed up their life, and NOT found their “purpose” inside of that, and now isn’t profoundly grateful to that journey, both backwards and forwards. (If you are confused about these points, let’s talk. I don’t want to dwell here too much longer)

What if we’ve already been infiltrated? How do we address it?

Based on everything I’ve already written, we know Infiltration is happening earlier and earlier in our development. Which makes it more difficult to come back in and solely inhabit our own field down the line.

Once we are off the game board, we quickly enter the land of million distractions. The goal is to hypnotize, & anesthetize us from the pain of living disconnected from our purpose, mission, or intention, and put us to work for an entity who has co-opted us.

If we don’t engage deeply with our incarnation, it’s easy to be infiltrated. And it isn’t just the mainstream agenda that we need to concern ourselves with. The spirit world is real, and so are nefarious spirits and unfriendly entities that can penetrate us.

Spirituality, the idea of waking up, or becoming more conscious, should always involve an inquiry around the underpinnings of our reality. Or we miss out on vital information about this dimension if we don’t included the unseen. It can’t really be called spirituality with out delving into the invisible forces that play on us.

But the purpose isn’t to get lost in the inquiry, it’s to be aware of our surroundings, and get back to doing our own soul work.

If we aren’t checking in deeply with our own field and our external attachments, one can safely assume we’ve been infiltrated by beliefs/entities that aren’t organic to us. This doesn’t need to be a scary thing to acknowledge. It’s actually freeing to acknowledge it, and then we get to work on all of the places we are hooked in the realm of “not-self”. This is can be an enjoyable exploration. It’s actually the beginning of a spiritual, or evolutionary journey. Especially if we don’t get stuck in self punishment for winding up here in the first place.

I know I am always on this path in the realm of maintenance. I frequently find myself passionate about world events. And things I deeply value, like themes around Justness. Then I need to come in and look at whether or not I’ve taken on the beliefs of others who are also passionate about those world events. Beliefs that have knocked me off my center Off of my mission, purpose and intention. Can I have passion, and still be sovereign at the same time?

The good news is, when the soul is firmly pinned into the body, and we are filling our lives with our purpose, it becomes more difficult to be “infiltrated”

Which leads me back to the how too piece…

This phenomena speaks to the number one, reported deathbed regret.

It is from the people living between the veils, in the gap between worlds, that we can learn the most about how to define purpose, mission, and intention for ourselves.

Purpose, mission, and intention, always come from within. What energy or frequency we serve. What lights us up and adds to our vitality. Have we done our best to clarify, occupy, and serve, our soul with that “purpose”?

We frequently here from them that they wish they’d spent more time with family. Worked less, and cherished the present more. That they’d served more. Or served more “healthily”.

In this swirl, this upwelling of energy, and it’s chaotic, violent out picturing, it is ever more important to deepen with this inquiry.

Am I serving my soul, the full potential of my incarnation, or the agenda of an entity or belief system outside of myself.

Damascena Tanis

Damascena is an Archetypal Astrologer, Ayurvedic Wellness Practitioner, and The Facilitator of the Transformative Journey through the Mandala of Venus’ Wisdom, called “Sky Dancer”.

She is a passionate devotee of the ever unfolding mystery. As an expert observer, a trait she developed as an only child, she regards herself as both a student of life, and decoder of the cosmos.

Skilled at recognizing invisible patterns, and picking up on subtle shifts in the collective, she gets a thrill from uncovering and revealing the hidden threads that are woven together to create our paradigm.

Her passion for this existential detective work aligns well with her unique approach to one on one client work, as she helps others to discover the building blocks of their archetypal blueprint, and mythic overtones. She does not believe that astrology is static, and therefore works with clients to develop strategies and practices that allow them to transcend challenging aspects of their natal chart.

She lives on the Shores of Lake Erie with her husband, four kids, and Cat, Oscar (the grouch).

These days, when she isn’t interpreting a natal chart, or translating the stars for her astrology blog, you can find her engaging in one of her favorite pandemic pastimes, unraveling her inner “good girl”, cultivating the ability to thrive in the deep, dark, unknown, or playing her favorite game of identifying fun paradoxes called “two things are true at once”.


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