The Underworld is a deep alchemical crucible.

It’s a journey to the subterranean. It stirs what has been buried deep in the sedimentary layers of our being.

Over the next few weeks, you will hear about Venus making her final descent through the last Gate of the Underworld.

In the Underworld, we have a unique invitation from Venus, to be nourished by the Dark.

To be held by her as she lovingly caresses layer after layer of unprocessed grief.

As she breathes life back into the places in us that have been frozen by fear and shame.

As she cuts away at illusion and restores innocence….

As she Illuminates what’s been lurking in the shadows….

Brings shame out into the sunlight….

And lovingly witnesses it all…

Rewriting eons of what may feel like “faulty” wiring. But are really just scattered fragments of our soul.

It is Venus herself, that governs and oversees the Ancient Mystery School Rights of Death and Rebirth…

If this Scorpio Pink Full Moon has you feeling catalyzed around working with Venus in her most important phase…. I want to invite you to join us for a Special Initiation Journey.

As a Scorpio Native, with Venus in Scorpio, this realm is my Jam.

I am a Dark Star Navigator. A pilgrim on a grief journey.

And I’m here to share with you, that contrary to popular belief, working with this medicine is deeply transformative, restorative, and liberating.

This will be the most thorough Underworld Journey I have ever offered. And because Venus only travels to the Underworld once every 19 months, I’m not sure when I’ll be offering it again.

If you’ve been wanting to wade into the Deep with me, experience my unique translation of the Venus Mysteries… this is an incredible opportunity to do so. Especially if you’ve had your eye on working Venus’ larger cycle…

“Underworld” is a potent place to begin. This Offering will undergird our Venus Curriculum for SkyDancer’s Ascent Journey.

We (Venus and I) can’t wait to welcome you in.

Hosting a live call today 4/25 at 4:00 est.

On this call, Damascena will share about the Venus Mysteries, and our Lineage’s connection to the Underworld.

She will also take live Q&A about Underworld Experiences.

To register for this Special Live Transmission, click here.

Damascena Tanis

Damascena is an Archetypal Astrologer, Ayurvedic Wellness Practitioner, and The Facilitator of the Transformative Journey through the Mandala of Venus’ Wisdom, called “Sky Dancer”.

She is a passionate devotee of the ever unfolding mystery. As an expert observer, a trait she developed as an only child, she regards herself as both a student of life, and decoder of the cosmos.

Skilled at recognizing invisible patterns, and picking up on subtle shifts in the collective, she gets a thrill from uncovering and revealing the hidden threads that are woven together to create our paradigm.

Her passion for this existential detective work aligns well with her unique approach to one on one client work, as she helps others to discover the building blocks of their archetypal blueprint, and mythic overtones. She does not believe that astrology is static, and therefore works with clients to develop strategies and practices that allow them to transcend challenging aspects of their natal chart.

She lives on the Shores of Lake Erie with her husband, four kids, and Cat, Oscar (the grouch).

These days, when she isn’t interpreting a natal chart, or translating the stars for her astrology blog, you can find her engaging in one of her favorite pandemic pastimes, unraveling her inner “good girl”, cultivating the ability to thrive in the deep, dark, unknown, or playing her favorite game of identifying fun paradoxes called “two things are true at once”.

My Personal Underworld Journey


Scorpio Pink Moon Squaring Pluto and Kassandra